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Thursday, March 15, 2012


Famous Danton’s phrase, exclaimed right before his execution, has long ago become a platitude. Arab revolutions that still shake the Middle East do not only devour its own children, i.e. revolutionaries themselves. They literally take the lives of other kids. This is not only applied to Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen, where the crowds of revolutionaries had driven the centennial dictators out of their palaces. Even Iraq, where the revolution was brought at the bayonets of American SEALs (with democratization of the country being their prime goal), shared that grievous lot.

On Mar 9 Saudi-based Al Arabiya News reported about a bloody operation of Iraqi vice squad. Unlike their European counterparts, its units fight the violations of Shiite laws rather than, say, prostitution. Iraqi Ministry of Interior has proclaimed a group of Iraqi adolescents attracted to an emo-subculture, no less than devil-worshippers. Here’s an excerpt from its official statement: “Emo worship Satan. They wear weird tight clothes with imprinted images of skulls, pierce their noses and tongues and act inappropriately at the public places. That’s why the vice squad was ordered to get rid of this phenomenon, noxiously influencing and threatening the society as soon as possible”.
Iraqi police has fulfilled the Minister’s order with rigor. Within few days 90 to 100 emo-kids were murdered in Baghdad. As the Iraqi Ministry of Interior reported, policemen were taking them straight from the schools, brought to vacant lots and murdered in the most barbarian way known as lapidation or stoning. Even the most fundamentalist Islamic countries like Iran apply to this kind of execution very seldom and require a court verdict. In democratic Iraq kids were being chased all over Baghdad, then “their legs were crushed with concrete blocks so they wouldn’t be able to flee and finished off with stones”. The exact number of victims is unknown, since there was no one to count them. Bodies of the victims, executed by Islamic bigots, were dumped at the city junkyards, one of the survivors told.
Iraqi «emo-kid»
Liberated Tunisia has already started adopting the advanced Iraqi experience. Local “Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice” that had been created right after the revolution, was recently renamed into the “Centrist Association of Awareness and Reforms” in order to grant it some credibility, it seems. This, in fact, is the good old Shariah police, consisting of professional cops and the volunteers. The main objective of the new body is the “control and enforcement of Shariah rule among citizens”. This definition includes separation of male and female zones at the public places, supervision over how prayers are conducted (which also means forcing shop-owners to close their businesses for the time) and control over the women’s looks and men’s beards. This body has a right to arrest any suspicious person and Tunisia is not the first country to introduce Shariah rule after the “Arab Spring”.
This February Egyptian Shariah police also started hiring. For now, Shariah guards are only being trained but I’m pretty sure that first reports of their heroic deeds against the enemies of Islam are to follow soon enough. Chair of Tunisian “Centrist Association of Awareness and Reforms” Adel Almi told Tunisian radio that “women, not covering their faces are worth burning in hell”. He has expressed a decisive protest against Iqbal al-Garbi’s appointment as the director of religious Ez-Zitouna FM radio station, due to the fact that she is not wearing yashmak. He has accused her of not having an appropriate theological education, having somehow missed that Professor al-Garbi teaches at the Tunisian University of Theology. Professor al-Garbi is well-known in the country as a liberal reformer, who interprets Koran in a modern way. This is apparently the reason of blocking her appointment by the chief of Shariah police.
While Tunisia and Egypt have reduced to this medieval barbarity through their own “revolutions”, the example of Iraq is more peculiar. Saddam Hussein, hardly a democratic ruler, has never fallen that low. His dethronement and the following war in Iraq resulted in dozens thousands Western soldiers and God knows how many “private security instructors” dead. According to various estimates, casualties among the civilian population reach one million people or even exceed this tremendous number. American taxpayers have been paying about $8 billion a month for the “liberation of Iraq” during the most active phase of warfare, while general costs of “democratization” have made almost $2 trillion.
Great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky used to say that the happiness of an entire world is not worth a tear of an innocent child. Iraq and the USA seemingly have their own opinion on the matter.

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