On the 20th of May, this year, Georgian Parliament admitted the genocide of Circassian nation, conducted by the Russian Empire in the 19th century.
Georgian deputies have unanimously voted for recognition of the genocide. It was decreed to:
“1. Admit mass extermination of Circassians (Adyghe) during the Russo-Caucasian war and their forceful expulsion from the historical motherland as an act of genocide, according to the IV Hague Convention, dated by the 18th of October 1907 ‘Regarding laws and rules of ground war’ and UN Convention, dated by the 9th of December, 1948 ‘Regarding prevention of genocide crimes and punishment for it’.
2. Admit the Circassians, who were forcefully expulsed from the country during Russo-Caucasian War and after it refugees according to UN Convention, dated by the 28th of July, 1951 ‘Regarding refugee status’”.